Outback Coast Dive Carnarvon WA

Outback Coast Dive
Scuba Courses - Scuba Gear Sales
Underwater Photography - Dive Holidays
Korean Star - Korean Star Gallery by Brad Cox
The Korean Star is a wreck of a salt carrier that has in effect created an artificial reef after it was wrecked during a cyclone in 1988. It has become a haven for all manner of fish and marine life. Large Cods, Queensland groupers, Mangrove Jacks/Saddle Tail Sea Perch, and a large number of pelagic species all have found a home on the wreck. The wreck and the very coastline that was responsible for its demise is rugged to say the least. Shear cliff faces and jagged rocks are a few of the immediate hurdles one must clear for an enjoyable dive. The swells that pound the coast are at times just plain incredible, and have claimed quite a few lives. On average at least one fisherman a year gets washed in to the surf. Statistically 50 % of these do not make it back to dry land. Why dive in these areas you may ask, well we do try to pick the days when the swell is minimal and a great deal of купить квартиру в Краснодаре вторичка care and experience is needed to navigate in and out of the water so that makes it somewhat more comfortable. The rewards for venturing into this inhospitable area are well worth the issues associated with the site. The wreck, which is open to the powerful swells of the Indian Ocean has continued to disintegrate over the years and as a result is always changing, only recently has the engine appeared, parts of the structure have finally broken up.
One-Mile Jetty - One mile Jetty by Brad Cox
Constructed in 1897 the Jetty is 1493m long and is now part of the Carnarvon Heritage Precinct, which has been restoring it since 1998. It is the longest jetty in the northwest and was once used as a deep-sea port for the shipment of local produce and wool in Perth. The jetty is a great easy dive when the vis is good, the biggest issue is that it is situated at the mouth of the Gascoyne River and frequently inundated with a fresh muddy flow from the river. It is a great dive with huge diversity of marine life from Nudibranchs to Large Queensland Groupers to Tuna and Spanish Mackerel. There is a museum along side the jetty, which has an admission of a Gold coin donation. Tram rides are available on the jetty on certain days, times and seasons dependent and the $5 charge is certainly worth the money. It’s a long haul with all your scuba gear, a walk you will only do once.
Exmouth Navy Pier - Pier Gallery by Brad Cox
The navy Pier situated in Exmouth some 360 kms north of Carnarvon is rated in the top 5 shore dives in the world. The diversity of fish life is simply incredible. With just about every temperate species of fish on could imagine seeking shelter under the structure. Large Cods and Groupers are resident there with plenty of large Trout and Baldchin/Blackspot Tuskfish, Lion Fish, Stone Fish, Frog Fish and plenty more.
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