Outback Coast Dive Carnarvon WA

Outback Coast Dive
Scuba Courses - Scuba Gear Sales
Underwater Photography - Dive Holidays
Winning images South East Asia Underwater Photography Competitions 2007
Outback Coast Dive is situated in Carnarvon Western Australia at the southern end of the Ningaloo reef. We are blessed with one of the most rugged and remote regions in the world. The diving in this area is much the same, very rugged and sometimes just downright impossible.
We do not run local charters, as the weather and access to dive site are just not reliable. The coastline is subject to unpredictable swells and the wind in the area can at times be relentless. When the weather is good we have access to amazing and often untouched sites, which has been the reason for the very strong dive club with 40 or so members that dive as regularly as they can. Ring for details of the Dive Club.
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Tulamben Wreck Divers
Eco Divers Sulawesi
Kungkungan Bay Resort
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Elders Real Estate
Gascoyne Online
Development Commission
Shire of Carnarvon
Gnaraloo Station